Saturday, March 27, 2010

Get URL Parameters Using Javascript Sample Code

function getUrlParameter( name ){
name = name.replace(/[\[]/,"\\\[").replace(/[\]]/,"\\\]");
var regexS = "[\\?&]"+name+"=([^&#]*)";
var regex = new RegExp( regexS );
var results = regex.exec( window.location.href );
if( results == null )
return "";
return results[1];

if the URL is

then you can read parameter value of frank by

var valueOfFrank = getUrlParameter('frank');

Original article from :

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Changing td (or table) background image to another from JavaScript

      #Good {
        background-repeat: no-repeat;
        background-position: center center;
        background-image: url(images/image40.gif);
      function changeImage() {
        newImage = "url(images/image41.gif)";
        document.getElementById('Good').style.backgroundIm  age = newImage;
        <td id="Good"><br>Hopefully there is a nice picture behind me :P</td>
        <td><button onClick="changeImage()">Click Me</button><td>

Substring ( part of a string ) JavaScript

var str = 'im feeling ?? ';
from = 3;
t0 = 10;
str.substring(from, to);

Finding length of a string in JavaScript

var str="Im feeling stupid";

Sample Code Mouse Coordinates - JavaScript

 function checkwhere(e) {
        if (document.layers){
         xCoord = e.x;
         yCoord = e.y;
        else if (document.all){
         xCoord = event.clientX;
         yCoord = event.clientY;
        else if (document.getElementById){
         xCoord = e.clientX;
         yCoord = e.clientY;
  if (shipSize>0){
   document.getElementById('movingShips').style.zIndex = -1;
   document.getElementById('movingShips')  = yCoord-10+'px';
   document.getElementById('movingShips').style.left = xCoord-10+'px';
   document.getElementById('movingShips').style.position = 'absolute';
      document.getElementById('divCoord').value = "X= "+ xCoord + "  Y= " + yCoord;  
 document.onmousemove = checkwhere; // Calling the Mouse Coordinate Fantion

How to Disable the Submit Button

How to Disable the Submit Button using JavaScript
<button onclick="setShips(5); this.disabled="true"">The Great Ship</button>